MB Update Feb 8-14 and gratitude pays off

Believe it or not, 3 days late for me is an improvement!  Last update I was really negligent but this time around Monday was 3 days ago…so I am not quite 72 hours late in getting this posted (yay me!)  If I don’t celebrate the little progresses… 🙂

Don't question how, just trust & believe

So let me first start off with the latest updates, short and sweet, here we go:

  • Feb 8th started off on a pretty good note – unexpected money in the amount of $50 came from our youngest son who owed us a little bit from a few weeks earlier. When we lend money to our working children we do so with no time line for return.  We use the honor system and trust that they will return what they borrow (from anyone) as they are able to afford to do so.  Return of this money was unexpected as he just bought a car and is hoping to move into his own place soon so has been saving his money.   My MB Journal is still being jotted down each night with, “Money flows to me from unexpected sources, freely and easily.”
  • Feb 9th after waiting  several weeks  a book I had been waiting to arrive at  my local library finally came in earlier than expected as I’d been at least 27th on the list of requester’s…I had annotated my journal the week before, “I am reading and enjoying an Autogenics book”.  Autogenics is a method of training that allows one to achieve a level of relaxation that allows for empowerment and peace of mind.  I had two titles reserved and had no real preference as to which arrived first.  The first one arrived Feb 9th and the next one came in the following day!
  • Feb 12th an additional $140 saw its way to us as our youngest paid the remaining money to us that was owed.
  • Throughout the week my husband would hand me enough change every day to treat myself to a Tim Horton’s coffee (believe me when I say that is definitely something I appreciate.  That he sets aside all his change from daily spending just so he can hand it to me for my addiction)…this was an added plus simply because I would think “wouldn’t it be nice to have a freshly brewed Timmy’s” and throughout the week I was treated to one each and every day!  Gotta love it.  A small thing but one that deserves every bit of gratitude as any other happening in my life.

So, although the week wasn’t monumental, again it was being able to recognize those things that otherwise I may not have paid attention to and wouldn’t have given thanks for them coming into my life where I not aware of requests.  If nothing more, journaling allows me to ensure that I give thanks for everything that comes our way as well as everything that is already in our lives.

Journaling nightly isn’t the only way that manifesting those things you want to come to you can be done.  The key I believe though, to asking, believing and receiving is in how strongly you actually believe you will receive what you have asked for.  By  not sweating the method or the time frame in which it comes to you.  It also has to do with trusting that what you need/want/desire will come to you in exactly the way and in the time frame in which it will mean the most to you and will benefit you in a way that moves your life forward rather than parallel or backwards.  Another key is forgetting…forget what you have requested…don’t continue to think about it, worrying whether or not something will transpire or when or how.  That simply doesn’t work  because it’s like telling someone that you want a particular sandwich at the local deli and they are willing to go and get it for you but you continually stop them with your incessant chatter about how you hope they don’t forget the olives, or please  remember you like whole wheat not white, etc.  Ask, believe (leave the request to manifest), receive and give gratitude. Nothing complicated about the process.

A box full of belief!

I’ve reported on two weeks using the Mental Bank System now.  I’ll finish this up with an update on the week just passed Feb 15 to 21st in just a few days (a really cool thing happened the evening of Feb 17 which really brings the power of manifesting home, I think you’ll find the story rather interesting).  Personally I know that the Mental Bank system does work well for me.  You might wish to give it a try.

Next I’ll begin another method and report on it for three weeks starting Feb 21 and will have my report posted for March 1st.  Check out my next post shortly which will explain the way in which I’ll be working the next few weeks.  You may find it interesting and choose to follow along. It is also a simple process that can also have you really thinking about what you desire.  This is the first time I’ll be using this particular system but as always I believe it will provide me with some great insights to the sub conscious mind and how our ability to manifest our needs/wants/desires is as close as our ability to think and ask.

Check back later today if you are interested and I’ll outline the process I’ll be using for the next few weeks.

Enjoy your week and thanks for reading!


Shared Review Toolbar Updates!

Great news folks who are currently using the 4SharedReviews toolbar!  You now have access to your Facebook account by accessing the “Facebook” icon which will show up on your toolbar (in IE, Firefox/Flock) . Please click “refresh toolbar” which is located under the drop down menu of the 4SR icon to the left of the bar.  This should automatically update the toolbar for  you.  If the Facebook Icon doesn’t appear (should be located beside the Twitter icon)  then simply follow these steps:

  • Use the drop down menu to access the “Upgrade” option.

    Upgrade the toolbar

  • Once upgraded you will be asked if you wish to restart your browser.  Select “restart” and the browser window will close and then open again.
  • You should then see a new icon option on your tool bar which when clicked opens a slide down window like the one below to the right .
  • This window authorizes your toolbar to interact with your Facebook account and in order for it to do this you need to provide your account information which includes your email and your password.  No solicitation from any third parties occurs by doing this and no information is passed to any entity.  The connection is simply allowing the FB icon to access your Facebook pages for quicker access to each one.  If you are uncomfortable providing this information you may choose to ignore using this feature.
  • To disable the Facebook feature and remove it from your toolbar in the event you prefer not to use it simply follow these steps:

Select 4SR icon and choose "Toolbar Options" and un-check the box beside FaceBook. Click "Ok" then return to the 4SR icon and select "Refresh toolbar" and the FB icon should be gone.

  • For those of you who wish to use this feature, you would proceed by filling in your email and your password for your Facebook account as shown above and click “Connect”.  The next screen will ask your permission to integrate with your toolbar by providing you with the options “Accept” and “Deny”.  To integrate simply choose “Accept”.

Click on "Settings" button after accessing "Toolbar Options" from the drop down menu under the 4SR icon. From here select the "Facebook settings" button appearing directly below the FB check box. This brings up the screen above. Simply un-check those options you no longer wish active.

  • Another feature that has been added is the ability to add your own applications to the toolbar.  Simply choose the “+” that appears to the right of the toolbar and you will have access to numerous applications including Skype, a Writers apps, Games, tools, TV, News, Videos, etc.  Simply choose the app you wish to add and click the “add” button.  The icon for the application is then added to the end of your toolbar and you can proceed to configure it if this is required.

Selecting Plus sign allows you to add numerous applications.  You’ll be taken to a

webpage which will open in your browser window and from there you can add numerous apps to make your web and toolbar experience more enjoyable, convenient and accessible.

Should you wish to remove any application that you have added simply click on the 4SR drop down menu icon, choose “Toolbar Options” and select the tab “My Stuff”.  You can then hide applications or delete them simply by highlighting them.

Thanks to everyone who currently has this toolbar installed.  We are now at 73 installations and I look forward to adding additional features as well as removing some of those that simply don’t fit the purpose any longer.

As always I’ll indicate the notices on Shared Reviews in my status bar and will post all information pertaining to the toolbar here on my blog.

Any feed back is of course always welcome!  Hope you continue to enjoy!

Take care,


Monday MB Update (on Friday?) Tsk, tsk!

Yes, here is where I reveal all my sordid little secrets!  Ok, not really…as exciting as my life is, well that’s how lacking I am in secrets too 🙂  but on with the MB update shall we?

Now firstly I should say that this isn’t Monday of course…it’s Friday soon to be Saturday so I’ll be updating for the period 1st to 7th and then on Monday the 15th, I’ll update for the period of the 8th to the 14th. So, I’ll always update for the week that has just passed (of course).

Visit HMI to read more about this great system

Stress in, Stress out

I began my Mental Bank journal on the evening of February 1, 2010 and tracked my progress (or not) up to and including February 7th.  The following are my observations thus far:

  • After a few pretty volatile weeks on the business partnership front (husband’s) some rationale has finally seeped in and although hubby isn’t all together comfortable with his new attitude of “I can’t care or I’ll go crazy” for now he seems to have a handle on his emotions and there is a little progress. My entry the evening of February 1 into my MB Journal read, “My husband is dealing effectively with his business partner”.
  • My youngest and oldest daughters both went through some pretty tough times the past few months.  The youngest with a boyfriend and the oldest with financial struggles.  Although things seemed to be settling down a bit they weren’t quite out of the woods yet.  Then, my oldest daughter informed me that things were looking up, she and her partner were bringing in money as her partner had obtained a job that paid quite well.  My youngest daughter was able to bring herself to realize that she was in an emotionally abusive relationship and after freeing herself from it totally  knew there was a future ahead of her that held happiness.  My MB Journal read, “My daughters are happy and enjoying their lives.”
  • We began to receive money unexpectedly in small portions but none the less it was coming in and from sources that we’d not expected them to arrive from.  My MB Journal read, “Money flows to us from many unexpected sources.”

Everything isn’t instantaneous

Not everything is an immediate manifestation by any means and that the above situations began to turn around in an apparently quick fashion, in reality some of them had been in movement for awhile (my husband’s business partner issue and my daughters situations) but during the week of the 1st to 7th movement seemed to take on more positive effects and released each of them from burdens that had been weighing them down greatly.

There is something to be said about this particular ritual, and it is a ritual…a nightly one that takes all of a few minutes to complete but one that in reality will have you actually hating it every so often (the actual journalese can be a pain especially if you are all cozy in bed and then realize oops didn’t do my journal! :)).  It’s the actual proof that when you open your mind and allow your sub-conscious to do what it knows is best for you, and you see those things which you have written in your journal coming to pass…it is difficult to condemn or doubt the effects that keeping a Mental Bank journal really has.

A tip for those interested in keeping your own journal

I recommend that you place your MB Journal on your pillow in the morning so that it is there in the evening and the only way you can avoid it is if you sleep on top of it!  It’s an amazing thing to keep, seriously and there is no doubt that your life can and will be better for it – one pebble at a time.

Monday, I have further developments that again correlate with my journal entries and continue to encourage me to keep paying attention not only to my MB Journal every night before retiring, but also to the events that transpire after doing so because both remind me to express gratitude for all that I have in my life and am receiving….and the circle continues.

Happy Valentine's Day to Each of You!

I’ll see you again on Monday evening, February 15th…until then, enjoy your weekend and especially your Valentine’s Day!!


Who says distance has to limit us! This proves otherwise

These two fellows prove that being miles apart, of different languages and from different countries does not have to limit us in any way. Months and hundreds of emails later, this rendition of the Eagles Hotel California is amazing! I loved it before…I’ve just fallen in love all over again! Check out the rest of their performances which include James Blunt You’re Beautiful and Led Zepplin’s Stairway to Heaven. …and don’t ever let anyone, including yourself, tell you that you cannot do anything you choose to do…because there is always a way, there is always a how and … we are all worth the experiences we choose to undertake because we ARE each special and talented in our own unique ways. Enjoy!

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Hotel California – Eagles“, posted with vodpod

Surprising events – Mental Bank update

A few months ago I did a post regarding the Mental Bank process.  The idea of the Mental Bank is to keep a journal that can assist you in retraining your subconscious mind.  You determine a salary that you wanted to achieve.  Each day just before going to bed you  take 3 minutes to jot down various tasks you’ve accomplished during your day that meet with the  goals  that you would like to attain.   Then you  pay yourself an hourly wage for achieving those goals that will eventually get you to your ultimate salary level that you determined previously –  bringing in the amount of income that you have recorded initially in your Mental Bank (or any other achievements you have set out to gain for yourself).   After adding up your “salary” earned for the day, you jot this down in long hand and then proceed to write down events that have happened during the day ending your journal notes with two affirmations.  You then close your journal and retire for the night.  The idea being that your subconscious will work on the information and proceed to begin to bring you closer to your goals and your achievements by working out actions that will become a part of your daily conscious habits.

My salary target for my Mental Bank goal was $180,000 which meant that I ‘earned’ $180/hour or 10% of my goal.  Now, although the Mental Bank system is meant to help you to attain your own goals, my husband and I are in this together…my goals and his goals were united in this effort, first because hubby would likely not keep up with a journal and second because, well we have always worked together where our finances are concerned.

Although I didn’t know whether or not this would actually work…I am quite surprised (yes, I admit it) but also excited to discover that, coincidence or not, my husband has acquired $150,000 in funding to set up a business and he didn’t have to do anything except be the exceptional business person he is!  Would this have come about without the Mental Bank?  Perhaps, but oddly enough, shortly after I began this journal his partner took on another partner in another business that he owns.  That partner began to take an interest in my husband’s business.  Soon, that partner somehow made his way into the fray of things and ingratiated himself to the point where some pretty odd things began to take place which resulted in our deciding it was time my husband struck out on his own.  Thus the reason for the investment.

Was this meant to be or does the Mental Bank really work?

Before you decide that this was just a coincidence, let’s consider another happening.  I wanted to quit smoking early last year and although I had tried a few different methods nothing seemed to help me actually ace the situation.  When I began my Mental Bank journal one of the goals I wrote down was to quit smoking.  At the time my husband had no intention of quitting himself and I think perhaps that was why my success rate wasn’t that great.  Then one Friday afternoon (Oct 1/09) my husband came home and announced “I’m quitting smoking.  This is my last pack!”

Saturday, October 2, 2009 my husband and I began our trek into smoke free land – I decided to use hypnosis and I am very pleased to say that I am soon to be four months smoke free as will my husband be.  I can honestly say that I do not think of smoking and when I do, I have to force myself to.  When I wrote in my Mental Bank I would put as an affirmation every 2nd or third night prior to quitting “I am a non-smoker and I am healthy”.  Coincidence again?  Hmmm, don’t think so.

While using my Mental Bank, another intention was “I attract money and it comes to me from many different sources.”  It seemed we never worried about money during this time…it was coming to us from many different directions and some of those were totally unexpected including a $5,000 Dividend check which was definitely a surprise.

So what happens when you stop using your Mental Bank?

Interestingly enough, lots!  I stopped writing in my Mental Bank journal in November.  I wanted to see whether or not there was any correlation.  If there wasn’t,  things would continue as they had when I used the Mental Bank theory.

Shortly after I stopped, things began happening that we had not expected nor even dreamed of happening.  First my husband’s partner seemed to go wacko and there were a number of changes that took place which actually threatened my husband’s income.  As a matter of fact my husband actually handed in his resignation and my oldest son who worked with him did as well.

Our lawyer talked my husband out of walking away but my oldest son decided not to return.  He remained unemployed for a few months and found another job but was temp and didn’t last.  Our youngest son who had a steady job making great money was suddenly laid off  with the company citing ‘shortage of work’ – he had been through a temp agency and the company had promised to hire him full time once his three months with the agency expired.  Just two days short of the 3 months, my son was laid off and several other individuals where hired instead.

If that wasn’t enough, the car’s serpentine belt went leaving me stranded on the side of the road and more and more expenses seemed to come our way and a lot of this took place just prior to Christmas!

So what am I doing about it?

Well, I’ve definitely decided to return to the Mental Bank system – it might not have anything to do with anything but I’m just the type who actually believes strongly in the ability of the subconscious to be our driving force and our decisions and our progress are because of the actions that we take both consciously and subconsciously.

Now, here is the test…although is it fair to actually put the Mental Bank to the “test”?  Whether or not it is fair, I am going to return to it and see if our situation reverses itself.  Here’s what I’ll be tracking:

  • Will money once again begin to come to us from many sources?
  • Will our oldest son once again become employment or perhaps achieve the opportunity to go back to school for a degree that he has hoped to get for some time now?
  • Will my husband be able to finalize the venture he is headed toward with his own business?
  • Will I and my youngest daughter find success in a venture we are beginning?

Hard to say…but I’ll do my best to track the progress that takes place (yes, I’m expecting the best from this ;)).  I’ll be restarting my Mental Bank journal tonight, February 1, 2010 and will record what takes place both the good and the not so good if such is the case.

Feel free to follow along….and perhaps, if you haven’t already started your own Mental Bank journal, my little experiment may encourage you to do so….let’s wait and see what happens!

I’ll try to report every week…which means every Monday  my progress will be provided here on my blog. So stay tuned and if you choose to follow … thank you!  As a matter of fact, perhaps I’ll also include updates on Twitter!

Enjoy your week!


Too great a message to hide

I came across the following video when a friend posted it on another site.  While watching it I realized I was being affected by it.  It was actually very unintentional too…but seems I just couldn’t help myself.

Why not give it  a look, I think you’ll love the ending… and then…see if you find yourself being affected by it too…and if so, why not spread it around!
