Category Archives: What's Up Now Lex!

This might be a pretty boring category but that’s never stopped me before! Here’s were you can find out what I’m up to in my other “worlds” of interest – but don’t feel you have to look – unless of course you’re just a wee bit curious about my “other” lives – yes I have several…didn’t you know? ;)

The Mental Bank Update 2010-2013

Hello everyone!!  Mike thank you for spurring me on to provide a Mental Bank Update!

I have decided to do the update in a podcast format and hopefully, this will also allow me to continue to do updates as I go along.  I will provide the link to the podcast as it will be faster for me to do that.  I’m preparing to leave for the holidays; our weather is pretty miserable at the moment, and of all things, I scheduled a Dr. appt for this afternoon, so I have to get out the door for that.

But, I wanted this update to get to you Mike, and to everyone else who has had an interest in, or will have an interest in the Mental Bank in the near future.

This site doesn’t allow me much flexibility so I’ve just added the link to the podcast, which is located in my Dropbox account.

The Mental Bank Update for 2010-2013

The email subscribe form that I mention in the podcast – will be added shortly…darn I have to run!!  Hope this helps out, Mike!

Lots of great things coming up in 2014 including a brand new site!  So, stay tuned and I’ll give you more info in the podcast.

Have a fabulous holiday everyone!!  And again Mike, thank you!!

Take care,


Are you a writer? Well then, get ready for a new Game!

Update – October 18, 2011

I’ve been a member of for going on four (4) years,  and I’m

Shared Reviews changing

Changing the game of writing for writers and their audiences

really looking forward to the opening of a new program they will be offering. in April of 2010.   The site is currently undergoing a major revamp and is targeted to re-open to the community and new members sometime within the next month or so (end of Oct, beginning Nov, 2011).  It is presently open to the public in limited format so I highly recommend you visit  to get a taste of some of the things to come.

If you aren’t presently a member, I’d recommend that you sign up with them if you are interested in applying for a position with their new Bounties writing service.  you are going to want to check things out when the new site launches.  It is going to be AWESOME!!!

Why Join Shared Reviews?

First, it’s free!  Second, you will be an   as a consumer can have your say about products that you use and provide others with your insights on whether or not the manufacturers are living up to their claims.  Products that break, don’t perform as advertised or are just not worth the money are also an important part of the Shared Reviews  community.  That in itself is a huge plus!  No where else on the Internet will you find a more caring group of like-minded individuals willing to assist you and encourage you to be the best writer you can be.

Many consumers as well as members of SR check the reviews on Shared Reviews before going shopping for the products they are interested in.  With a reputation for quality reviews and opinions that can be depended upon to make your next purchase with confidence, check out or better yet why not join our great community!

The changes taking place are so original to the writing community, the owners of Shared Reviews have worked non-stop to put all the elements together, re-coding the way authors and the public will interact on the site,  with one another, their readers, and  internet traffic in general.  This is going to be a unique platform that offers writers a unique avenue and possibly,  more far-reaching awareness of your work.  You can still earn money but the ways in which you are able to do that, will be offered in refreshing and no doubt, addictive inducing, ways.

As soon as the new site is ready for visitors and new members, I’ll update here, including of course, many other reasons  to check things out for yourself.

Stay tuned!


Can you really manifest your desires with a box?

Here we are again although not quite as on time as I expected to be.  Life caught up with me, the internet was inaccessible for a few days while we set up a server and transferred the data to it so I had no access to files that I use for the net.  Just get that straightened out a dental issue had to be taken care of for my son so that turned into taking more than one child to the dentist to ensure cleaning got done too.  A big bill later which included two being sent to a dental surgeon in order to get estimates for wisdom teeth extraction…and then this morning I was called and given the news that my mother had passed away last evening.  She had been ill with pneumonia but had also suffered a broken hip and leg when she’d fallen recently.  So, it was sudden but she was a born again Christian and never feared death.  I’ve always had a tendency to believe in the fact that when someone of an elderly age passes away, it is a time to remember them with a smile and rather than being  grief stricken instead look upon their passing as their journey “home” where they are whole again, without pain or afflictions.  I also believe that my mother has already met up with the many relatives who have gone before her and she’s now chatting up a storm with them.  She outlived all of her immediate family and lived to an older age (78) than any of them had with most of them having passed away in their 50’s or 60’s.  So, I am doing fine with her death because I know that she is now with many, many loved ones.

Enough about the events in my life

It’s on to the topic, manifesting!!  I’ve been having a great deal of fun with this manifest tracking I’ve been doing and I have to say that when you pay attention to things around you and the thoughts you put out there, it’s pretty interesting how things come to you, sometimes pretty quickly, often as quickly as a second or two!  I ran across an interesting suggestion a few weeks back regarding a box, paper and belief.  I decided that I’d check this method out to determine if you can really manifest your desires using a box, a pen (pencil) and paper and your desires and if so, how well  it works?

I mentioned in my  last post that I was going to introduce a Manifestation Box for the month of March.  Finally, it’s here.  The images of the box I am using are shown here and also the two pads, a larger one and a smaller one (large one is for those intentions that take a bit to explain thoroughly while the smaller notebook is for the briefer one…yes, I really can be  brief believe it or not.)

For my box I simply went to Micheal’s Craft Store and picked up a box that was on sale…it had wording on it that works well with manifesting and it looks pretty nice too.  For your box, as I said before, it can be anything really…whatever you decide and whatever you wish to use.  The box I chose is just a guideline so I recommend that you go with a box that means something to you or is one that holds special meaning or seems to “speak” to you.

Manifesting box and supplies

Next, I picked up some note paper, again from Micheal’s (the longer pad) and it cost about $1.50.  I chose (from the limited selection) the one that seemed to please me the most. It has a saying on it as well about believing.  The smaller pad compliments the larger one and they both seem to go nicely with the box.  (I’m all about coordinating I guess.)

Next, because my box doesn’t have a locking mechanism or anything, I wanted to ensure that NOBODY including myself, snoops inside the box once I’ve placed my requests inside it.  So I decided to adorn the box with some ribbon (a personal choice and n0t necessary). Just wrapping the ribbon around the box one way the crossing the ribbon over and wrapping it around the other sides of the box finishing with a bow.

The Process

Although I’ve gone over this in my previous post (last week), I’ll put the info here again just so you don’t have to wander around 🙂

  • Gather yourself up a box, any kind of box is fine but I’d suggest one that has some kind of “draw” for you…in other words one that you  feel is a good one to house your intentions inside and that might give you a little added confidence that this process can and will work for you.
  • Next, decide whether or not you wish to create a “vision board” inside or outside the box by pasting or decoupaging various images that you have gathered from magazines, books, online etc., that depict your goals.  This isn’t necessary but it may assist you in being more specific with your notes.
  • Choose your note paper, nothing huge as it needs to be folded and placed inside the box along with several other notes  perhaps (depends on how many intentions you wish to include).  This paper can be colorful, inspiring, include a favorite image or words, etc.  Or it can simply be lined notebook paper…you decide.
  • After you have your box and paper, you might also wish to choose a pen that is used solely for the purpose of writing down your goals (intentions).  Again, this is really up to you but I’d suggest choosing a pen that is comfortable to write with and in an ink color that you enjoy using.
  • Finally…sit down quietly and contemplate exactly what you would like to achieve/receive.  Work on one thing at a time and be very precise and specific.  Write your goal/intention as though you were going to hand this note over to someone who would be responsible for carrying out the steps necessary for your intention or goal to become a reality.  Also, once the note is written and placed in the box…you won’t go back and change it…consider the note already passed to the person who will carry out the intention/goal and you are no longer able to communicate with them, or them with you.
  • After writing the note in a way that you are confident someone else reading it could easily carry out the work necessary to bring about the intention, fold it into a square as small as necessary to fit into the box (my paper is folded in half  then in half again)  but don’t place it inside the box just yet.  Set it aside, again in a quiet place to leave it undisturbed and then walk away from it for about  8-12 hours.  Then return to the note, re-read it,  change what might be necessary or add to it to make it more specific.  When you are satisfied place the folded note  into the box, close the lid, place the box in an area of your home where it won’t be disturbed and then go about your business. If your intentions are related to money, career, family, etc., I’ll be providing some information on how to go about making those intentions more powerful in another post.
  • As you move through your week attempt to make note mentally (or by jotting them down or better yet recording them if your cell has an app for this or you have a voice recorder small enough to carry with you) those things happening that you believe are helping moving you closer toward your goal.  As they happen give thanks for their appearance as soon as you notice them.  Continue this process for a week (7 days) and then visit your box and review your notes.  Remove any notes that have come to pass noting on the reverse side of the note what came toward you and if possible when things manifested.  The notes that match the manifestations that have taken place could be kept filed away if you’d like and collected over the year.  It would be sort of fun to see the amount of progress made since starting this process wouldn’t it? Notes that have not yet been fulfilled are once again returned to the box.
  • Continue this process (I recommend no more than 4 notes per week but you can have as few or as many as you believe is right for you) and remove the notes that have come to pass (your desire has been received)  replacing them by the procedure indicated in the steps above with new notes but always keeping 4 notes in the box at all times unless you’ve decided on fewer or more.

That’s about it.  As I mentioned, in another post I’ll be providing additional information that can offer you additional assistance in achieving your intentions.  Whether or not you choose to implement them is totally up to you.

I began my manifesting box later than I had wanted to, this past Sunday (Mar 7),  so I’ll report on my progress the following Monday.

Good luck with your manifesting  and perhaps you’d like to share your results with me.  Comments are always welcome.

Enjoy the remainder of your week…catch you again on Monday.

Take care,


Ok I’m not very good with my HTC Magic…

…and thus the reason that my Manifesting Box post seems to have taken far longer to get up here than it should.  My youngest changes her phone like she changes … know…anyway, I often get the one she no longer wants.  This change over happens every few months or so with the last change over taking place only 2 days after she obtained a Blackberry Bold.  She didn’t like the keyboard so exchanged it for a Blackberry Storm.  Believe it or not, she’s actually happy with it (yay!).  Long story short, at the same time she was doing all this changing, I was able to obtain a new HTC Magic…my very first never touched before by family hands…phone!  So, enter learning curve.  All was great, no big deal as I’d had an HTC Dream prior to this one.  Until it came to downloading my images!

Everybody’s Busy

In a family as large as ours you’d think I could find someone who wasn’t “busy”, but alas, this was not the case. Worse than that was the fact that only one of my children (the oldest) knows anything about the HTC’s.  Finally, we actually met up in the kitchen and I nabbed him to show me how to work the transfer between phone and computer because for whatever reason I just wasn’t getting it!

Color me slow

I’m a geek when it comes to computers…if I don’t know how to do something I find out and I more often than not, succeed at whatever it is I need done.  Heck, people come to ME for help.  Enter my HTC Magic…transferring files from my phone to my computer…just seemed a little too complicated.  Until my son showed me how.  If I had a RED emoticon to use, it would appear HERE!  Select,  drag and drop!  That’s it.  I can’t believe I failed to even think of that especially since that’s the only way I work with files on my computer!  Lesson – as with computers, always consider the simplest solution first!

Images on their way

Now that I have confessed, I’ll just mention that the post regarding the manifesting box is on its way!  Not sure what the interest is in this at the moment but whether there’s interest or not, I figure at some point someone will traverse to this blog and discover it and never know, the posts here just might help to encourage others to give these things a try.  Imagine if they changed lives?  That’s one reason I am never afraid to try something … you just never know how amazing a new idea, skill or challenge will be unless you give it a go!  At the very least you learn when something isn’t for you…and at the best end of the scale, you’ve enhanced your life and perhaps even changed it in amazing ways!

Ok, enough chat…on to getting the Manifesting box post up and out!

Take care and for anyone who was waiting for it…thanks for your patience!


Mental Bank Update Feb 15-21

Last week was an amazing one due specifically to one interesting happening.    I’ve been paying particular attention to what I think as well so this combined with my MB journaling seems to really increase my results.  So, here’s the update:

  • This was the week just prior to my husband’s pay and I had decided to be a bit more generous with some bills (namely credit cards) and pay more towards each of them.  We’ve got a goal to increase our income by the end of 2010 so have implemented a few things to help us achieve this.  So, needless to say I over indulged in the paying off area and it was a rather squeaky week to get through as our available spending allotment wasn’t quite what it usually is.  Good news…we made it thanks to some repayments from some folks which left us with $20 to the good by Friday!  Whoo hoo. Again, my MB Journal is always annotated with the intention that money comes to us effortlessly.
  • Wednesday was an amazing day (or should I say evening).  I had to take my youngest son to the doctor and while there my youngest daughter sat in the car listening to music.  In total I would say the car had sat for about an hour in the parking lot.  At one point I moved it to another spot closer to a pharmacy.  When we were ready to leave the car’s battery was dead!  We’ve known the battery would need replacement eventually considering it is about 5 years old and has served us well.  Long story short…as I sat there trying to figure out what I’d do because I wasn’t able to have my husband drive out to boost us because I couldn’t reach him…I thought, “it would be nice if a Good Samaritan would come by and ask if I needed a boost!”  Not even 2 minutes later there is a tapping on my window…a fellow is standing there and when I open my door he says, “Could you use a boost?”  Can I just say I did a lot of thanking both to this person and to the Universe!!  He’d heard the car trying to turn over and failing when he’d gone into the Pharmacy and decided to help us out when he came back out.   The car started immediately and I could not thank this Good Samaritan enough!  This event was and remains proof positive that when you ask and trust, you receive!
  • Friday my husband’s pay was in the bank and unexpectedly I received funds that were owed to me but that I wasn’t expecting to see until March.  I also received money that comes into me every month but usually doesn’t arrive until the 23rd to 25th of the month…it arrived on the 19th, dated for the 15th.  Lots of thankfulness there too and again, we were flush with money!

Of course, as said before, we aren’t talking paramount events because I haven’t focused on those a great deal but we are able to get a true sense that how we think, what we think and what/when we are thankful for things definitely does have a place in our lives and frankly we need this.  I’ll finish this experiment off by reporting again next Sunday (28th) with a very nice development that came through for my husband and whatever is awaiting us the next few days.

For the experiment starting March 1st I found a perfect box!  Rather than decorating the outside, I think I will decorate the inside…if you are planning on following along and if you have a Michael’s Craft store near you…head over there and check out the boxes they have on sale right now.  I picked mine up for $2.59 and it’s perfect right down  to the sayings on it.

One more week with the Mental Bank system  and we’ll move on to the Notes in a Box…Check out my post from last week regarding the process involved in working with a Manifesting Box.    I have to figure out this new phone’s camera and uploading process so I’ll be ready for next week’s  viewing of  the box I’ve chosen for this.   😉

Have a superb day!


Manifest your goals with help from a box

I’ve decided to investigate a few different methods that others use to see just how they can affect my progress in manifesting my goals. I’ve already reported on my progress with one method, the Mental Bank program.  Now here’s another.

From a wooden jewel box....

One of the processes I’ve run across  is a very simple procedure which uses simple materials (a box of any kind, shape or of any material) a piece of paper, a pen and you.

The process

  • For some people the choosing of a box is an important aspect of this particular method of manifesting.  Although a box isn’t necessary, it does allow you to hold your manifestations in one secure area and sometimes out of sight is out of mind, which is what this method is meant to promote.  The box can be any kind, from a fishing tackle box to a card board one.  As long as it is large enough to hold your folded note paper, that’s what matters.
  • In my case, I’ve chosen to create my own box…over the next few days I’ll design my manifesting box which will be covered with images of many of the things I would like to obtain in my life.  This will act as sort of a vision board as well while also providing a sort of visual energy for those things that I will place inside.
  • Once we have the box we wish to use then it’s on to the gathering of note paper and pen.  Again, these can have meaning to you – your favorite pen that Aunt Marge gave you for Christmas – colored note paper that you just love.  The main premise here is to sit down (preferably in solitude) and really think about those things you wish to manifest in your life.  Choosing 2-4 important things to you, write these down, each on its own separate piece of paper.  This is the important aspect though because you won’t be writing them down as, “I am receiving money from many sources and always as I require it.”  Instead, you will want to write out each manifestation goal clearly, concisely and as though you will be giving this note to someone who is going to carry out your request to the letter.  Therefore, you really have to think about exactly what you want and write it out so that there is no misunderstanding of what you want to receive.  Take your time doing this part as it is very important to your results.
  • Once this is done and you are satisfied with your notes, fold them (in half or in quarters depending on how small they need to be to fit neatly inside the box you’ve chosen).  Then put your notes aside for a day before placing them in the box.  This is to allow you to really think upon the information you have put into each manifestation.  The next day, return to the notes and review what you have written and make any changes you feel are necessary to make your request(s) as clear as possible.  Then when satisfied, place the note(s) in the box and close the lid.  Place the box in a location where you are unlikely to want to keep opening it.  Then, trust that your requests are being attended to by the Universe and do your very best to forget about the notes and what they hold.
  • At the end of the week in which you placed your notes in the box, recall whether any of your requests have been answered in whole or in part.  Open the box and review each note.  If there are those that have come to pass, write on the back of the note exactly how things manifested for the request.  Those that haven’t come to pass need more time, return them to the box without any additional annotations.  Those that have been partially filled, annotate the back of the note and reiterate those portions of the note yet to be competed and return the note to the box.  Again, close the lid, place in its spot and forget about it until the following week.

... to an adorned cardboard box. Any box will do!

The premise behind this particular method is actually providing you with the ability to be able to think clearly and concisely about those things you choose to have within your life.  As you do this process you begin to achieve the ability to mentally envision those things you wish to come toward you and eventually you are able to do this process in your head and achieve the same end results.

I’ll begin this process on March 1, 2010 which will have allowed a full month for each process I am taking you through.  I was going to start this on Feb 22, 2010 but it’s better to finish off the month completely with one process I think.

Until Monday and my next MB update which had a few very nice manifestations I’ll be working on my Manifestation box and I’ll provide a post for those who are interested in following along.  I’ll show you the process I’ll be using and you can choose to make your own box if you wish over the next week or so.  Then, if you wish you can join me in this process and I invite any comments as to how your manifesting goals have appeared to you.  Until then,  enjoy your day and as always, thanks for visiting & reading!
