Tag Archives: easy

Ok I’m not very good with my HTC Magic…

…and thus the reason that my Manifesting Box post seems to have taken far longer to get up here than it should.  My youngest changes her phone like she changes …er..you know…anyway, I often get the one she no longer wants.  This change over happens every few months or so with the last change over taking place only 2 days after she obtained a Blackberry Bold.  She didn’t like the keyboard so exchanged it for a Blackberry Storm.  Believe it or not, she’s actually happy with it (yay!).  Long story short, at the same time she was doing all this changing, I was able to obtain a new HTC Magic…my very first never touched before by family hands…phone!  So, enter learning curve.  All was great, no big deal as I’d had an HTC Dream prior to this one.  Until it came to downloading my images!

Everybody’s Busy

In a family as large as ours you’d think I could find someone who wasn’t “busy”, but alas, this was not the case. Worse than that was the fact that only one of my children (the oldest) knows anything about the HTC’s.  Finally, we actually met up in the kitchen and I nabbed him to show me how to work the transfer between phone and computer because for whatever reason I just wasn’t getting it!

Color me slow

I’m a geek when it comes to computers…if I don’t know how to do something I find out and I more often than not, succeed at whatever it is I need done.  Heck, people come to ME for help.  Enter my HTC Magic…transferring files from my phone to my computer…just seemed a little too complicated.  Until my son showed me how.  If I had a RED emoticon to use, it would appear HERE!  Select,  drag and drop!  That’s it.  I can’t believe I failed to even think of that especially since that’s the only way I work with files on my computer!  Lesson – as with computers, always consider the simplest solution first!

Images on their way

Now that I have confessed, I’ll just mention that the post regarding the manifesting box is on its way!  Not sure what the interest is in this at the moment but whether there’s interest or not, I figure at some point someone will traverse to this blog and discover it and never know, the posts here just might help to encourage others to give these things a try.  Imagine if they changed lives?  That’s one reason I am never afraid to try something … you just never know how amazing a new idea, skill or challenge will be unless you give it a go!  At the very least you learn when something isn’t for you…and at the best end of the scale, you’ve enhanced your life and perhaps even changed it in amazing ways!

Ok, enough chat…on to getting the Manifesting box post up and out!

Take care and for anyone who was waiting for it…thanks for your patience!
