Tag Archives: accomplishments

Mental Bank & Mental concentration training

For anyone who is interested in maintaining a healthy level of mental concentration while obtaining your goals, desires and  success, there are two things that may  go hand in hand to help you achieve your goals while also helping you to overcome that dreaded “procrastination”!

Achieving Goals, attain self-improvement with Mental Bank

Developed by John Kappas (HMI Founder), the Mental Bank Ledger can help you retrain your sub-conscious to accept and re-frame old goals, develop new goals, achieve them and grow from that achievement.  The Mental Bank concept is an extremely simple one  based on the premise that you “pay yourself” for those things you have actually worked on to achieve by adding them to your Ledger and then “paying yourself” for attaining them.  A  Free 2 hour seminar presented by George Kappas of HMI provides you with a far better level of understanding of what the MB is and how it can help you, so I’ll just leave the video do the talking.  Everything you need in order to set up your own Mental Bank Ledger is provided to you in detail during this video – even though you can purchase ledgers from HMI or Amazon.com, etc., this isn’t really necessary because any book with paper will do.  Just set aside a few hours to view the video and then give it a try – you just might be pleasantly surprised with what you find yourself able to accomplish that you “thought” you didn’t have time to do before.

The Premise behind MB and how it can help you

The Mental Bank program is one that retrains your sub-conscious in a very easy way that is almost effortless.  Your investment is about 3 minutes a night in a period of time that falls within a 30 minute time frame just before you go to sleep.  This time frame is important due to the fact that this allows your sub-conscious to “absorb” your actions applied to your Mental Bank Ledger.  Effectively what you are doing is feeding your sub-conscious information that will, over time, become part of your unconscious actions and attitudes and part of your every day life.

Combining Mental Bank with Mental Concentration training

An additional resource in your tool box is always a good thing to have and if you are finding that you “forget about your MB” exercise, what better way to improve that than by the Dynamic Mental Fitness site which offers a number of exercises that are designed to assist with mental concentration and focus.  You can sign up for a free course at the link above, but you also have access to a number of posts and information related to their techniques.  A search on youtube.com for mental fitness will also garner you several exercise videos provided by Dynamic Mental Fitness.  The exercises are extremely simple in concept and are designed to help you attain concentration levels that are improved over and above that which you currently may have.

Each exercise is designed to be done in increments building up to a 15 or 30 minute session, which is indicative of your improvement as you work through the exercises.

If you are interested in building your focus and attaining your goals, give these two resources a try.  Never know what you might achieve!  Just an aside – I use both of these resources and like many others who have also used these, I can say that they have definitely been well worth the investment of the little time each takes to accomplish.  Procrastination was my main reason for taking up the Mental Bank Ledger in particular and I am quite pleased with the level of progress I’ve achieved in such a short period of time (just a little less than 3 weeks).   I began the Mental Focus exercises about a week ago and can openly admit that I’ve not yet forgotten to do my MB 🙂 and I’ve even been able to retain a lengthy list of “stuff” that my daughter asked me to deliver to her – without even writing it down!  I didn’t forget a single thing either from over 17 different items – an almost unheard of success rate for me until now.   If you happen to try these out…I’d love to hear about your progress!  Enjoy.
