Tag Archives: desktop

Give your desktop that real desktop feel

This might be something that everyone already knows about – I ran across this a little while ago when it was still in development but came across it again today so thought I’d share just because I really liked the way the guy who developed this presented it 😉


Get your BumpTop!

This little idea provides your desktop with the ability to turn icons into pieces of mallable paper, stack them, toss them, stick em on the wall and much more.  It’s difficult to explain so why don’t I just provide you with the TED video presented by Anand  Agarawala (this will open in another page) or you can check out the video below which comes from the BumpTop site and is viewable without leaving this page.  Once you’ve checked that out you might want to download the desktop for yourself.

The BumpTop is also designed to work with Windows 7 to provide a great touchscreen experience for quick access of programs and more on the desktop, but should work with older OS’s too.   I believe it works with both Windows and Mac. Here’s where I uncover the fact that sometimes I don’t search as far as I should to uncover things.  I credit that to my “whoo hoo” personality ;)…currently BumpTop is only available for Windows but if you operate underMac or Linux just go here to let the developers know that you want BumpTop for your operating system!


Here’s the interface used on Win7 and a touchscreen (I want this!!)

Impressive isn’t it?   So if all that and the nifty things  like  “throwing” photos and info at your friends and family didn’t impress you enough…the price to upgrade to the Pro version might.  The upgrade allows you to use the touchscreen/scroll features and it only costs $29!

If you decide you want to check it out, you can also spruce things up a bit with a desktop theme from customize.orgbumptop themes.





